Currently there are 54,826 children under 18 living in poverty in St. Louis city and county who cannot afford a simple pair of glasses. With your support, KVFL will be able to provide eyecare for every child living in poverty in our tenth year!
Children like Jayla . . .
Jayla is a 2nd grade student who walked on the KVFL mobile clinic for the first time in September. After Jayla’s first eye exam, she picked out a purple frame that fit just right. Jayla’s first pair of glasses were made outside the school’s front door, so after lunch, Jayla was able to collect her new purple glasses. When Jayla put on her glasses for the first time, she immediately looked up at the sky. An airplane was flying by. With a bright-eyed grin Jayla shouted, “I’ve always heard an airplane, but I’ve never seen one!”
Your donation is more than a pair of glasses, it’s a bright-eyed grin!
$20 will give one child an eye exam and glasses.
$100 will give 5 kids eye exams and glasses.
$500 will give 25 kids eye exams and glasses.