Kids Vision for Life St. Louis is a volunteer-driven program. Our volunteers assist with screening days at over 150 elementary and middle schools in the St. Louis area. To date, KVFL volunteers have helped screen over 27,000 students in the 2016-17 school year.

In this week’s Volunteer Spotlight we talk to our long-time volunteer Linda about why she loves our program and more!



Tell us more about yourself.
My husband and I have 3 adult children and 2 grandchildren. I work part-time and like to spend the rest of my time volunteering.

How did you find out about KVFL and what about our program made you want to volunteer?
I found out about KVFL last year through the website  I was looking for something that was flexible, not necessarily the same day every week or a commitment of so many times per month.  With KVFL, all of the dates and locations are posted, and I just sign up according to my availability.

Why do you like volunteering with KVFL?
Once I started volunteering for KVFL, I was hooked!  The staff is so professional, friendly and so appreciative of all their volunteers. I also love the kids and seeing their smiling faces.  I have also met so many wonderful volunteers and have made new friends through this.  It has truly been a blessing.

Do you have a favorite memory from volunteering with our program?
I realized the difference KVFL made when I ran into a friend and was telling him about KVFL.  He said they had just been at his daughter’s school and that through the testing, found out she needed glasses.  They have since received their free glasses and he was so thrilled and appreciative of the program.  I know how much this family has struggled financially lately, so I knew how important this was to him.  And his daughter is thrilled with her new glasses!